Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Get Behind Me Jack White

In his June 7, 2005 review in the Philadelphia Inquirer of the White Stipes new CD Get Behind Me Satan, Dan DeLuca speculates the title comes from the Gospel of Mark where Jesus says to the Devil "Get thee behind me, Satan."
I would be more than willing to wager that the title is nicked from the lyrics of a song off of deceased Who bassist John Entwhistle's first solo LP Smash Your Head Against the Wall. The song is entitled either You're Mine or Everybody's Mine. I think it's the latter. C'mon, it's been over 25 years since I've heard it and as I said my record collection is in complete disarray.
Anyway, the lyric goes:
Get behind me Satan
The Devil take up those who sin
Deliver us from evil
The devil takes all those who sin
Everybody's mine
At some time
Everybody's mine
You'll enjoy your stay
'Til you're reborn someday
Until you are
You're mine
I still can't figure out how to access this site to post from home and it's really ticking me off.
Oh by the way, Michael Jackson NOT a serial child molester? C'mon. If anybody belongs to Beelezbub, it's Michael.


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