Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Believe it or not, I just spent the better part of the last 30 minutes posting my longest and most informative post to date. I went to preview it and when I returned to post it, "POOF!" It was gone. I'm extremely pissed. But I've been thinking about it all day so I'll recreate it when I get home. Just a short preview. The post had to do with the Incredible String Band, the fellas from whom I nicked the "this moment is like no other moment" line in my first post.
In other words, I finally got off my duff, or got on my duff if you want to be literal about it and answered the question I posed All those weeks ago. Oh Well, Parts I and II.
I don't think I'll be previewing until I figure out How do you work this thing?
You may think I'm crazy, or that I don't know when to capitalize a word but in reality, I've just left 4 new song clues. Only three were intentional, the last one just spilled out somewhat naturally because it concerns a band I don't really care for.
Oh, now I see it. Save as Draft. Damn it.


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